New Build Basement Waterproofing

Trace's comprehensive turnkey solution for waterproofing newly constructed basements offers peace of mind to builders and homeowners alike. With CSSW-qualified design, professional indemnity insurance, installation services, insured guarantees, and in-house maintenance, we are your one-stop-shop for all basement waterproofing needs.

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New Build Basement Waterproofing

New Build Basement Waterproofing Essential Information

New Build Basement Waterproofing Our Approach

This may lead to waterproofing system failure and losses that are commonly significant for the owner of the property.

New build basements structures vary greatly from reinforced concrete, to reinforced masonry, to modern methods of construction (MMC) such as ICF (insulated concrete formwork) blocks.

Differing structures provide varied resistance to water ingress, and depending on site conditions and form of structure, Trace Basements will propose waterproofing to ensure that whatever the form of structure, high levels of resistance to penetration are provided.  However to comply with BS8102 (Code of Practice for protection of below ground structures against water from the ground), we must always be mindful that any system, however carefully and professionally installed may have defects, and to design in such a way that these do not result in issue.

BS8102 Compliance

As the primary design guide for basement waterproofing in the UK, particularly relevant to new build construction, BS8102 sets the standard for quality and safety. Trace's involvement in the 2022 revision of the British Standard as one of only two UK Contractors on the update panel demonstrates our commitment to staying at the forefront of industry best practices.

Design Team Support

Trace assists project design teams in fulfilling the role of New Build Waterproofing and Waterproofing Design Specialist as outlined in BS8102 section 4.2. Our designers create proposals backed by our £2.5 million professional indemnity insurance, eliminating split liabilities in installations performed by us.

Qualified and Experienced Professionals

Our team of CSSW-qualified designers includes a CSSW examiner, a PCA-registered Waterproofing Design Specialist, and an MRICS Chartered Surveyor who won the CSSW award for the highest exam marks. With former RAF Tornado propulsion engineers and Navy Nuclear submariners among our designers, we bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every project.

Approved & Accredited Waterproofing Contractors

What are the steps for newbuild basement waterproofing?

Expert Waterproofing Design: The Key to Success 

The journey to a dry basement begins with using a in specialist waterproofing design. While materials matter, a well-thought-out design and proper installation are equally crucial. This ensures your waterproofing system can withstand the unique challenges of your specific site and structure.

British Standard 8102 (2022): Your Waterproofing Bible 

The UK waterproofing industry relies on BS8102 to ensure best practice. Trace, as one of only two contractors on the BSI update panel for the 2022 revision, is uniquely qualified to guarantee your project meets the latest standards.

Key Design Considerations:

  • Site conditions: Ground gases, moisture levels (current and potential)
  • Structure type: Feasibility of waterproofing
  • Intended use: How dry does the space need to be?
  • Risk assessment: What happens if there's a leak?
  • Repair strategy: How can the system be fixed?
  • Commissioning, guarantees, insurance, and maintenance: Protecting your investment

Trace's Extensive Design Experience

From small homes to massive commercial projects, Trace has a proven track record in designing waterproofing systems that work. We leverage our vast experience to create "typical" details for common scenarios, while also developing bespoke solutions for unique challenges.

Unparalleled Detail and Expertise

Our design detail surpasses that of most material manufacturers. Unlike them, we take full responsibility for the design and installation, resulting in comprehensive and reliable plans.

Contact Trace today to start your new build basement waterproofing journey. We'll guide you through every step, ensuring a dry and secure space for years to come.

Examples of new build basement which we've waterproofed

A large commercial new build basement - Hotel Football

Hotel Football - New build Waterproofing design and installation
We complete projects large and small - Hotel Football - Waterproofing design and installation by Trace completed in 2015.

A new build housing development

External tanking applied as part of a combined protection waterproofing system for a new housing development.

We could not have successfully completed this project without a flexible and proactive contractor, able to continuously deliver results under pressure in what were often difficult working conditions. When issues arose Trace assisted wherever they could, including where those issues did not fall directly within their remit. I would have no hesitation in recommending Trace to prospective clients”

‘Trace completed all of the works identified in the main building to a very high standard’. ‘All of the lads on site have been excellent and it has been a pleasure to work with you all.’

"Thank you so much for your generous and expert advice on how to cost effectively resolve the damp challenges at 422. Your guidance to our team has been great and given them the information and direction they need to get on with the job. Also thank you for linking us to your materials supplier so they can be sourced economically". *charity work*

422 Community Hub

"I think this is the best CDM installation I have ever seen. I have seen a lot. Everything about it is textbook. It is neat, tidy, straight, square…. Just perfect and the care and attention taken to fix the plugs to the exact centres ready for further trades is nothing less than a work of art. In addition to this, the site management is top-notch also. Everything about the project gives massive credit to Trace and all who worked on this project".

Newton Waterproofing

Qualified New Build Waterproofing Designers

Our New Build Waterproofing Designers hold the CSSW qualification, our Director James is an Examiner for the CSSW qualification, is a PCA registered Waterproofing Design Specialist, and vets candidates seeking to join the PCA register.  We undertake design work in AutoCAD and accept drawings in .pdf and (ideally) .dwg.

Our Designers beyond James are David (MRICS Chartered Building Surveyor, CSSW award winner for coming top in the exams), Phil who is an ex-RAF Tornado Propulsion Technician (can strip and reinstate a jet engine), and Rory who is a Waterproofing Designer in training, but also ex-Royal Navy Submariner Engineer (nuclear).

We are very much a design led business, we work from a single office where we sit together, as a team, producing the waterproofing designs and proposals that our site operatives implement. While that might sound like something and nothing, there is a definite benefit that we enjoy from the discussion and development of what we do together. All clients, prospective or otherwise are welcome to visit us at our office and see how we work.

Example bespoke section detail by Trace

New Build Structural Warranty Providers (Insurers)

What is it?

Structural warranties (insurance) for new builds offer protection for your basement's structure. Leading providers like NHBC, Premier Guarantees, LABC Insurance, ABC+ Warranty, and others cover potential issues, giving you peace of mind.

Who needs it?

Primarily for new homes intended for sale or mortgage, this insurance ensures the structural integrity of your basement, safeguarding your investment.

How does it impact waterproofing?

Insurers set strict requirements to minimise risk, ensuring high-quality waterproofing design and installation from the start. This helps prevent future problems and claims.

Why choose a waterproofing expert with insurance experience?

Trace has a proven track record of working with insurers, investigating, and resolving claims for over a decade. Our extensive experience includes:

  • Helping NHBC address claims nationwide
  • Advising Zurich on complex above-ground issues
  • Rewriting technical manuals for Premier Guarantees & LABC Insurance, setting new industry standards
  • Collaborating with NHBC to update their standards

Our expertise has led to a significant reduction in claims and improved waterproofing quality in UK homes. This means fewer disruptions for homeowners, less environmental impact from unnecessary repairs, and a more reliable basement for you.

Partner with Trace for Peace of Mind

When it comes to protecting your new build basement, trust the experts who have shaped industry standards and helped countless homeowners. Choose Trace for your waterproofing needs.

New build waterproofing design insurance and split liabilities.

We refer to split liabilities but what does this mean?

It is a scenario where one party designs, and another installs. In the event of an issue with the waterproofing (which can be buried and inaccessible), it may be difficult to identify responsibility between designer and installer, resulting in dispute, potentially leaving clients in a costly situation, where they have to try and resolve. There are Independent Waterproofing Surveyors/Designers out there, for whom part of their role/revenue is derived from expert witness court case work, arguing with other experts in court on behalf of their client. It is a costly exercise.

An easy way to prevent this is for the installing Contractor to take the design responsibility on their Professional Indemnity (P.I.) insurance.

Client must understand who takes waterproofing design responsibility and insures their design

This is important, not every Contractor has P.I. insurance, and not every contractor that does have P.I. insurance wants to take design responsibility, so Clients must ask the question.

I undertook a waterproofing industry survey to support an article I have written for the 'Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal and Valuation' regarding procurement of structural waterproofing, and within this we queried Contractors on what they offer in respect of P.I. cover. As you can see, there are a range of approaches. Trace are one of the few companies that always take design responsibility for what we install.

This is what we believe and know to be best for clients, and we’ve always taken the design responsibility.  Not every Contractor does this, nor are they insured to do so.

Enquire about waterproofing for your new build basement

Call and speak to our Designer team via phone, zoom or Teams, email your drawings in .pdf or preferably .dwg.  For new construction and where available, please send copies of site investigation reports.  We also welcome visits to our office or can attend site/your premises if practical to do so.

New build basement credentials:

  • 18,000 plus projects completed since 1974.
  • No other Contractor in the Uk has been installing Type C drainage channel systems for as as long as Trace.
  • Seven times Property Care Association award winners.
  • Designs covered by £2.5m professional indemnity insurance, avoid split liabilities!
  • Installation by trained experienced specialist technicians.
  • We maintain what we install, no split liabilities!

Specialist Sub-Contracting:

Much of what we do is undertaken as a specialist sub-contractor, where we are employed by a Main Contractor to design and install new build waterproofing on behalf of a client.

In this we work for smaller scale contractors right through to tier 1 / top 10 UK Main Contractors, on large scale builds (£100m+).

Principally, to work for the larger Contractors there is a requirement for compliance with best practices in health and safety and a range of other aspects concerning the operation of a contracting business.  Further to this we hold Acclaim and SafeContrator SSIP (safe systems in procurement) which is vetting for health and safety.  We are also hold Constructionline Gold, in the vetting process extends beyond health and safety.

In essence we are well placed to work in a sub-contract capacity.

Please get in touch via our contact page.

Award winning experts in dealing with problems of moisture in buildings. Est 1974.

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